Maerua Mall, cnr of Jan Jonker Street & Robert Mugabe Ave. 061 287 6000

Lifestyle Management Programme

The long term effects of lifestyle diseases on productivity and capital can accumulate to unexpected risks and expenses to a Medical Aid and the employer company.

To combat the negative spin offs of obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease, a free of charge Lifestyle Management Programme has been introduced.

The program promotes the proactive participation of both the individual (Healthy Lifestyle Programme)
and the member group (Corporate Lifestyle Management Programme).

Progress are monitored by the health coordinator, Biokineticist, Dietician ensuring that individuals
and member groups are involved in their own wellness lifestyle choices.

The Lifestyle Management Programme consists of of the following:

Healthy Lifestyle Programme for Individuals

The Wellness registers the Member on the program and then Member is free to consult a biokintecist or dietician of their choice.
A customized exercise and diet programme is designed to meet the specific personal requirements of each Member.

The Member is further assisted throughout the programme with practical advice and support to ensure that their targets and goals are reached. Members in towns other than Windhoek are visited throughout the year.

Corporate Lifestyle Management Programme

Designated to nurture lifestyle management in workers, regardless of their work environment.
The main aim of the Lifestyle Management Programme is to bring routine medical check-ups directly to the client, at the premises of the employer.

By offering Corporate Lifestyle Management Programs, employers are not only investing in the physical wellness and health of their employees, but Employer Groups are also taking preventative measures by creating a healthier environment.

To book a Lifestyle Management Day:
Employer Group contacts the Lifestyle Management Centre and requests a Corporate Lifestyle Management Screening.
Appointment/date(s) are scheduled to ensure maximum staff attendance.

The Lifestyle Management team goes to the Employer Group and performs the following basic screening tests:
❭ Random blood glucose;
❭ Random blood cholesterol;
❭ Random blood pressure;
❭ Weight and height measurements;
❭ Waist circumference; and
❭ Body mass index (BMI).

During the screening session, each Member will be given full attention with regards to their health needs. If any health issues are identified, the following procedure is followed:
❭ Referral to the Lifestyle Management Centre to see a dietician and or biokineticist;
❭ Referral to a general practitioner for medication management;
❭ Referral to Pathcare for fasting blood glucose and cholesterol test; and
❭ Health advice is given to all staff with regards to healthy lifestyle choices for diet and exercise.

Members who are identified and wish to join the Lifestyle Management Programme are contacted by the Wellness Assistant and appointments are made for the initial evaluation with a dietician and biokineticist.

BMI Calculator
Height:  Meters
(Note: 1 Meter = 100cm)
Weight:  Kilograms

Your BMI:

You have calculated your BMI and found which weight category your BMI matches. 
What does this all mean?

BMI is not the only indicator of health risk.

BMI is just one of many factors related to developing a chronic disease (such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes). Other factors that may be important to look at when assessing your risk for chronic disease include:

  • Diet
  • Physical Activity
  • Waist Circumference
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Sugar Level
  • Cholesterol Level
  • Family History of disease

Even so, some very muscular people can have high Body Mass Indexes, which wrongly suggest fatness.
See table below that shows how your bmi compares to other of the same height and weight.

Adults Women Men
anorexia <17.5
underweight <19.1 <20.7
in normal range 19.1 - 25.8 20.7 - 26.4
marginally overweight 25.8 - 27.3 26.4 - 27.8
overweight 27.3 - 32.3 27.8 - 31.1
obese >32.3 >31.1
severely obese 35 - 40
morbidly obese 40 - 50
super obese 50 - 60
Application Forms

Contact Details

Get In Touch

Maerua Mall, cnr of Jan Jonker Street & Robert Mugabe Ave.

061 287 6000


© 2024 Methealth Namibia Administrators